Preparation of forcing files#

Mesh building with BMGTOOLS#

  1. Get BMGTOOLS here

    mkdir BMG
    cp /home/datawork-mars/TOOLS/BATHY/BMGTOOLS/bmg-linux64b-rev1489.tar.gz .
    tar -xzvf bmg-linux64b-rev1489.tar.gz
  2. Open the Create module in a terminal

    cd create_bmg-5.0.0


    If a memory is requested put 4GO

  3. Get the appropriate coastline to build your configuration here

  4. Create a new project (Top left button)

  5. Create a grid with the following features (Button on the top right bar) and follow the instructions

    • Click and drag on the map to define approximatively your domain

    • In the popup window you can define :

      • The limits of your area of interest

      • If you want to choose your grid resolution by meters choose the option Grid defined by curvilinear mesh size

  6. Save your project and check in the directory that you have a file head.TEST with the features of your grid

    TEST0  65.0000000  40.0000000  15.0000000 -20.0000000   0.0500000   0.0833333        5662.40   5563.84 421 501 167 158 190 180 TEST
  7. Interpolation of the bathymetry on the grid

    • Get the fortran executable, the associated namelist and the batch

    • Build a text file which list the MNT files you want to use and pickup from here

      cat catalog.dat :
    • Edit the namelist

      Choose the grid2grid mode
      l_connect=.false. /
      mask_method='HXHY' /
    • Launch the executable

      qsub batch_interp
  8. Open in another terminal the Check BMG module to view and edit (if needed) your bathymetry

    • Open

      cd check_bmg-5.0.0
    • Load your grid file ( and your coastline file

    • You can edit your grid with the button in the top right pannel with different ways

      • Single (one mesh )

      • Sequential (several meshes in sequential)

      • Polygon (group of meshes within a polygon)

      • Rectangle (groupe meshes within a rectangle)

      You juste have to select the nodes and edit the bathymetry values

    ../../_images/formation_bmg2.png ../../_images/formation_bmg3.png


    dont forget to save your project to take into acount your modifications

  9. Convert the bathymetry and the grid to CROCO framework

    Preprocessing of files are based on a set of python scripts.

    On Datarmor you can get a python with vacumm

    module load vacumm/3.4.0
    • Get the python script from CROCO directory

      cp -r /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2021/MARS2CROCO/BATHY .
      cd BATHY
    • Edit the python script and set user parameters

    • Launch the script


      ==> You get

    • Check if your bathy seems ok


Build tidal atlas on CROCO grid#

To get tide on your OBC, you need an atlas with harmonic constituents on your model grid

  • First you also need the following script

    cp /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2021/MARS2CROCO/TIDES/ .
    cp /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2021/MARS2CROCO/TIDES/tides.txt .
    cp /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2021/batch_python .
  • Edit the python script to set the list of constituents you want in your Atlas

  • The script need the file so you need to link it the directory

    ln -s ../BATHY/ .
  • Run the script

    qsub batch_python

3D Initial and Boundary conditions#

This part deals with generation of OBC and IC for your grid, from an Ocean General Circulation Model (exemple :MERCATOR, HYCOM ..)

  1. First you have to get the numerical solution which covers your grid and your period of simulation

  2. The second step is to interpolate this file on your grid. We use a fortran programm for this :

    • Get the following directory

      cp -r /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2021/EXTRACT_CROCO .
      cd EXTRACT
    • Edit the namelist

      vi IN/namelist
    • Change the mode (IC or OBC at once)

         l_extract_obc=.false.        ! compute Open Boundaries Conditions (set to true)
         l_extract_ic=.false. /       ! compute Initial Conditions         (set to true)
    • Change the name of the input file with the MERCATOR file

         file_coarse = ''   ! name of file containing data to be interpolated
    • In this section set the name of init and obc file, input bathy file and activate which obc you want to extract

         head_fine = 'head.useless'        ! head.CONF file (a line of the one used in MARS)
         file_ic=''          ! name of ic  output file
         file_fine_w = ''       ! name of west  obc output file
         file_fine_e = ''       ! name of east  obc output file
         file_fine_s = ''      ! name of south obc output file
         file_fine_n = ''      ! name of north obc output file
         l_obc_west  = .false.                  ! Interpolate west  obc ?
         l_obc_east  = .false.                 ! Interpolate east  obc ?
         l_obc_south = .false.                 ! Interpolate south obc ?
         l_obc_north = .false.                 ! Interpolate north obc ?
         obc_width = 2                        ! width of obc domain, must the same than in MARS
         file_bathy_fine = ''
    • Adpat the parameters for interpolation :

      • Set l_interpxyz to .false. ==> it enables 2D interpolation with SCRIP and vertical interpolation with splines

      • If your OGCM model is in SIGMA coordinates set your own intermediate Z vertical profile (used for vertical interpolation sigma to sigma)

           l_interpxyz = .false.     !
           rapdist = 6.0             ! only if l_interpxyz=.true. must be <= 6
           radius  = 20.0e+3         ! only if l_interpxyz=.true.
           aspect_ratio = 10         !  only if l_interpxyz=.true.
           dh1_ref=1.0               ! only if OGCM in Sigma (dz between 0 and immersion1)
           immersion1 =40.0          ! only if OGCM in Sigma (first immersion below 0 in z profil)
           dh2_ref= 2.0              ! only if OGCM in Sigma (dz between immersion1 and immersion2)
           immersion2 =60.0          ! only if OGCM in Sigma (second immersion in z profil)
           dh3_ref=5.0               ! only if OGCM in Sigma (dz between immersion2 and immersion3)
           immersion3=200.0          ! only if OGCM in Sigma (last immersion in z profil : must be >= MAX(H0) !!!)
           nextrap = 10              ! 2D spatial extrapolation iteration
           l_correct_rho=.false.          ! correct vertical density instabilities
           l_complete_prof_first=.false.   ! extrapolate Z profils before doing interpolation
           l_interp_conserv=.true.  /     ! perform conservative vericale interpolation instead of splines
      • Launch the executable in batch mode

        qsub batch_extract

Build a new configuration with CROCO#

Open a terminal and login to Datarmor

ssh -X login@datarmor

Environment and source code#

  1. Setup environment

    • Source this file to set some environment variables

      cd $HOME
      cp /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2021/croco_env.* .
      source croco_env.csh
    • Build a “CROCO” directory on your $DATAWORK

      cd $work
      mkdir TRAINING_2021
      cd TRAINING_2021
      mkdir croco
      mkdir CONFIGS
  2. Get the source code

    cp -r $CROCO_DIR/../../SOURCE_CODES/CROCO/croco_git/croco_master/croco croco/.
    cp -r $CROCO_DIR/../../SOURCE_CODES/CROCO/croco_git/croco_tools croco/.
  3. Create a new config

    • Build a directory for your new configuration and get the following scripts from the source code directory

      cd $confs
      mkdir my_config
      cd my_config
      mkdir CROCO_FILES
      cp $croco/OCEAN/param.h .
      cp $croco/OCEAN/cppdefs.h .
      cp $croco/OCEAN/jobcomp .
      cp $CROCO_DIR/job* .

Edit your configuration parameters files#

  1. Setup param.h

    • First section : define your domain dimensions (get xi_rho and eta_rho from

      LLm0 = xi_rho-2 ; MMm0=eta_rho-2
      #elif defined REGIONAL
      # elif defined SEINE
           parameter (LLm0=410,  MMm0=180,  N=20)   ! SEINE
    • Second section : define your MPI decomposition

      Choose your decomposition so number_procs=NP_XI*NP_ETA
      #ifdef MPI
        integer NP_XI, NP_ETA, NNODES
        parameter (NP_XI=14, NP_ETA=6,  NNODES=NP_XI*NP_ETA)
    • If you are using WET_DRY set the critical depth

      #ifdef WET_DRY
            real D_wetdry             ! Critical Depth for Drying cells
      # else
            parameter (D_wetdry=0.4)
    • Third section :: Number of harmonic components

        parameter (Ntides=114)
    • Fourth section :: Number of river

      #if defined PSOURCE || defined PSOURCE_NCFILE
            integer Msrc               ! Number of point sources
            parameter (Msrc=9)        ! ====== == ===== =======
  2. Edit cppdef.h : Simple config with only tides at boundaries

    • Activate REGIONAL case

      #define REGIONAL        /* REGIONAL Applications */
    • Set configuration name (same as param.h)

      /* Configuration Name */
      # define  MEDI5KM
    • Set MPI parallelisation

      # define  MPI
    • Activate TIDES and define Open boundary conditions according to your domain

      /* Open Boundary Conditions */
      # define  TIDES
      # undef  OBC_EAST
      # define  OBC_WEST
      # define  OBC_NORTH
      # undef   OBC_SOUTH
    • In preselected options only change these ones :

      • vertical mixing

        /* Vertical Mixing */
        # define GLS_MIXING
      • Analytical surface fluxes

        /* Surface Forcing */
        # undef  BULK_FLUX
        /* Suppression des termes atmospheriques */
        # define ANA_SSFLUX   /* analytical salinity flux */
        # define ANA_STFLUX   /* analytical Latent and Sensible flux */
        # define ANA_SMFLUX   /* surface momentum flux = wind */
        # define ANA_SRFLUX   /* surface short surface radiative */
        # define ANA_SST     /* climatological surface temperature */
        # define ANA_SSS      /* climatological surface salinity */
        # undef ANA_TCLIMA   /* climatological surface for others tracers */
      • Lateral Forcing

        /* Lateral Forcing */
        # undef CLIMATOLOGY
        # define ANA_INITIAL
        # define ANA_BRY
        # define FRC_BRY
        # ifdef FRC_BRY
        #  define Z_FRC_BRY
        #  define M2_FRC_BRY
        #  undef M3_FRC_BRY
        #  undef T_FRC_BRY
        # endif
      • Bottom Forcing

        /* Bottom Forcing */
        # define ANA_BSFLUX
        # define ANA_BTFLUX
      • Desactivate source

        /* Point Sources - Rivers */
        # undef PSOURCE
        # undef PSOURCE_NCFILE
        # ifdef PSOURCE_NCFILE
        #   define PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS
        # endif
  3. Compile the model in batch mode

    • Edit your job comp and set the source code path

    • Launch the compilation

      qsub job_comp_datarmor.pbs


      you should get a croco executable file

  4. Edit the config input file

    • Time stepping

      time_stepping: NTIMES   dt[sec]  NDTFAST  NINFO
                     594000      40     10      1
      • NTIMES : Number of global time step (dt)

        you can use this script to get NTIMES given your start and end date

        Duration of your simulation == NTIMES*dt
      • dt : baroclinic time step (depend on your mesh grid size)

      • NDTFAST : number of fast time step in one baroclinic time step

    • Sigma distribution

      S-coord: THETA_S,   THETA_B,    Hc (m)
                0.0d0      0.0d0      2000.0d0
    • Origin date (only) for Netcdf

       01-01-1900 00:00:00
    • Set the path to your inputs files which should be in a CROCO_FILES directory

      grid:  filename
      forcing: filename
      bulk_forcing: filename
      climatology: filename
      boundary: filename
      initial: NRREC  filename
      restart:          NRST, NRPFRST / filename
                       9000     -2
      history: LDEFHIS, NWRT, NRPFHIS / filename
                 T      90       0
      averages: NTSAVG, NAVG, NRPFAVG / filename
                  1     2140     0
    • Choose which variables you want to save in your output (T/F to activate/desactivate)

      primary_history_fields: zeta UBAR VBAR  U  V   wrtT(1:NT)
                         T    F   F   T  T    30*T
      auxiliary_history_fields:   rho Omega  W  Akv  Akt  Aks Visc3d Diff3d  HBL HBBL Bostr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl Swfl rsw rlw lat sen  HEL
                                   F   F     F   F    F    F    F     F       F   F    F     F    F    F    F    F   10*F
      gls_history_fields:   TKE  GLS  Lscale
                             F     F    F
      primary_averages: zeta UBAR VBAR  U  V   wrtT(1:NT)
                         F    F    F    F  F   30*T
      auxiliary_averages: rho Omega  W  Akv  Akt  Aks  Visc3d Diff3d HBL HBBL Bostr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl Swfl rsw rlw lat sen HEL
                           F   F     F   F    F    F     F     F      F   F    F     F   F    F     F    F   10*F
      gls_averages:   TKE  GLS  Lscale
                       F     F    F
    • Set lateral viscosity (ONLY if UV_VIS2 or UV_VIS4 cpp key are enabled)

      lateral_visc:   VISC2,    VISC4    [m^2/sec for all]
                      6.34       0.
    • Set lateral diffusivity (ONLY if UV_DIFF2 or UV_DIFF4 cpp key are enabled)

      tracer_diff2: TNU2(1:NT)           [m^2/sec for all]
      tracer_diff4: TNU4(1:NT)           [m^4/sec for all]
    • Set bottom drag

      bottom_drag:     RDRG [m/s],  RDRG2,  Zob [m],  Cdb_min, Cdb_max
                      0.0d-4      5.d-3    3.5d-3     1.d-4    1.d-1
      • Barotropic mode :: RDRG superseded by RDRG2

      • Baroclinc mode :: RDRG superseded by RDRG2 superseded by Z0B

  5. Edit batch_mpt to set the right number of nodes and walltime (1node=28 procs)

    #PBS -q mpi_3
    #PBS -l mem=8gb
    #PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
  6. Launch the model

    qsub batch_mpt
  7. Visualize

    • First use ncview

      module load ncview
      ncview CROCO_FILES/

Custom you configuration#

Add a source for a river discharge#

  • In cppdefs.h you should activate

    • PSOURCE : activate tracer for sources

    • PSOURCE_NCFILE : if you want to use a chronological discharge (dont use it for now)

    /* Point Sources - Rivers */
    # define PSOURCE
    # undef PSOURCE_NCFILE
    # ifdef PSOURCE_NCFILE
    #   define PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS
    # endif
  • In param.h set the number of source points

    #if defined PSOURCE || defined PSOURCE_NCFILE
       integer Msrc               ! Number of point sources
       parameter (Msrc=5)        ! ====== == ===== =======
  • Compile your model

  • Edit file

    First line is for the number of sources then there should be one line by source

    psource:   Nsrc  Isrc  Jsrc  Dsrc  Qbar [m3/s]    Lsrc        Tsrc
                      310  23     0    -900.            T T      0. 0.
    • Isrc,Jsrc : Coordinates of point sources

    • Dsrc : Direction of outflow (0 along u, 1 along v)

    • Qbar : Average discharge in m3/s (positive to the North/East, negative to the South/West)

    • Lsrc : Logical for associate tracers to the source (here Temp,Sal)

    • Tsrc : Tracer value (here Temp,Sal)

Add a real Atmospheric forcing#

  • In cppdefs.h you should activate * ONLINE : Use online interpolation (spatial and temporal) from an meteo model on different grid * AROME : data are formatted in MeteoFrance framework * BULK_FLUX : Compute bulk fluxes

    • BULK_FAIRALL : use FAIRALL formulation for bulk

    • BULK_SMFLUX : compute surface momentum flux (from wind stress)

    • READ_PATM : Read atmospherical pressure in atm file and use it in the code for bulk and surface pressure gradient

    # define  BULK_FLUX
    # ifdef BULK_FLUX
    #  define BULK_FAIRALL
    #  undef BULK_LW
    #  undef BULK_EP
    #  define BULK_SMFLUX
    #  ifdef BULK_SMFLUX
    #   define BULK_SM_UPDATE
    #  endif
    #  undef  SST_SKIN
    #  undef  ANA_DIURNAL_SW
    #  define  ONLINE
    #  define AROME
    #  define READ_PATM
    #  undef  ERA_ECMWF
    #  undef  RELATIVE_WIND
    # else
    #  undef QCORRECTION
    #  undef SFLX_CORR
    #  undef ANA_DIURNAL_SW
    # endif
    • Dont forget to remove analytical bulk fluxes

    /* Suppression des termes atmospheriques */
    # define ANA_SSFLUX   /* surface salinity */
    # define ANA_STFLUX   /* surface temperature */
    # undef ANA_SMFLUX   /* surface momentum flux = wind */
    # undef ANA_SRFLUX   /* surface short surface radiative */
    # define ANA_SST
    # define ANA_SSS
  • Recompile the model

  • Go to your configuration directory and make a link to this file


cd /home1/datawork/login/CROCO/config cd CROCO_FILES ln -s /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/DATA/METEOROLOGICAL_FORCINGS/ .

  • Now edit the file (see bottom of file)

    Set begin year, end year and mont, number of records per day in your dataset and the path of the file

    online:    byear  bmonth recordsperday byearend bmonthend / data path
               2017   1      24             2017     12

Add 3D IC and OBC#

  • First you need to get your IC and OBC files see 3D Initial and Boundary conditions

  • Edit cppdefs.h to activate BRY conditions:

    • undefine analytical Init and boundary conditions

    • activate BRY for Tracers (T_FRC_BRY)

    # undef ANA_INITIAL
    # undef ANA_BRY
    # define FRC_BRY
    # ifdef FRC_BRY
    #  define Z_FRC_BRY
    #  define M2_FRC_BRY
    #  undef M3_FRC_BRY
    #  undef T_FRC_BRY
    # endif
  • Compile the model

  • Copy you and files in the CROCO_FILES diretory

  • Edit file

    Set the path to your IC/OBC files

    boundary: filename
     initial: NRREC  filename


When you start from an init file the start date of your simulation is the date of the file