Interannual pre-processing

7.4. Interannual pre-processing#

Dedicated scripts for interannual pre-processing can be found for the different forcing datasets in:


Scripts for the recovery of surface forcing data (based on CFSR reanalysis) for
interannual simulations


Scripts for the recovery of surface forcing data (based on ECMWF-ERAinterim simulations) for
interannual simulations


Scripts for the recovery of surface forcing data (based on ECMWF-ERA5 simulations) for
interannual simulations


Scripts for the recovery of surface forcing data (based on NCEP2 reanalysis) for
interannual simulations


Scripts for the recovery of wind stress from satellite scatterometer data (QuickSCAT)


Scripts for the generation of an operational oceanic forecast system


Scripts for the recovery of initial and lateral boundary conditions from global OGCMs
(SODA [Carton, 2005] or CMEMS/Mercator [Lellouche et al., 2021]) for inter-annual simulations
  1. Edit crocotools_param.m First section should already be set if you have completed the previous tutorial.

    In the second section, check the path to forcing data directory

    % 2 - Generic file and directory names
    %  Forcing data directory (ncep, quikscat, datasets download with opendap, etc..)
    FORC_DATA_DIR = ['~/DATA/'];

    In section 4, select only ini and bry (but no clim files, set: makeclim = 0;) to avoid too long pre-processing, and as it is the most usual set up

    %  initial/boundary data options (1 = process)
    %  (used in make_clim, make_biol, make_bry,
    %   make_OGCM.m and make_OGCM_frcst.m)
    makeini    = 1;   % initial data
    makeclim   = 0;   % climatological data (for boundaries and nudging layers)
    makebry    = 1;  @ % lateral boundary data

    Edit section 6 for running January to March 2005

    % 6 - Reference date and simulation times
    Ymin          = 2005;          % first forcing year
    Ymax          = 2005;          % last  forcing year
    Mmin          = 1;             % first forcing month
    Mmax          = 3;             % last  forcing month


    An important aspect is the definition of time and especially the choice of a time origin. The origin of time Yorig should be kept the same for all the preprocessing and postprocessing steps.

    Edit section 7 for using ERA5 and mercator forcing sets

    % 7 - Parameters for Interannual forcing (SODA, mercator, CFSR, ERA5 ...)
    Download_data = 1;   % Get data from OPENDAP sites
    level         = 0;   % AGRIF level; 0 = parent grid
    % ...
                     %           1/1/1979 - 31/3/2011
    makefrc      = 0;       % 1: create forcing files
    makeblk      = 1;       % 1: create bulk files
    QSCAT_blk    = 0;       % 1: a) correct NCEP frc/bulk files with
                        %        u,v,wspd fields from daily QSCAT data
                        %    b) download u,v,wspd in QSCAT frc file
    add_tides    = 0;       % 1: add tides
    add_waves    = 0;       % 1: add waves
    % ...
    %  Options for make_ERA5
    ERA5_dir    = [FORC_DATA_DIR,'ERA5_',CROCO_config,'/'];        % ERA5 data dir. [croco format]
    My_ERA5_dir = [FORC_DATA_DIR,'ERA5_native_',CROCO_config,'/']; % ERA5 native data downloaded
                                                                   % with python script
    itolap_era5 = 2;                                               % 2 records = 2 hours
    % ...
    % Options for make_OGCM_SODA or make_OGCM_mercator
    OGCM        = 'mercator';        % Select OGCM: SODA or mercator
    OGCM_dir    = [FORC_DATA_DIR,OGCM,'_',CROCO_config,'/'];  % OGCM data dir. [croco format]
    bry_prefix  = [CROCO_files_dir,'croco_bry_',OGCM,'_'];    % generic boundary file name
    clm_prefix  = [CROCO_files_dir,'croco_clm_',OGCM,'_'];    % generic climatology file name
    ini_prefix  = [CROCO_files_dir,'croco_ini_',OGCM,'_'];    % generic initial file name
    OGCM_prefix = [OGCM,'_'];                                 % generic OGCM file name
    mercator_type=1;    % 1 -->  1/12 deg Mercator global reanalysis
                        % 2 -->  1/12 deg Mercator global analysis
                        % 3 -->  1/12 deg Mercator global forecast (See Section 8.)
                        % 4 -->  1/24 deg Mercator Mediterranean analysis/forecast (See Section 8.)
                        % 5 -->      the same than 4 but with detiding postprocessing on current and ssh
    %  =============
    %  To download CMEMS data: set login/password (
    %  and path to copernicusmarine executable
    %  see Oforc_OGCM/
    %  Various sets of data are proposed in the Copernicus web site
    if strcmp(OGCM,'mercator')
    pathCMC='/path/to/home/copernicusmarine'; % copernicusmarine client
    user     = 'XXXX';
    password = 'XXXX';
  2. Then you can run the Matlab pre-processing for these interannual forcing: You should already have you grid set up. Otherwise, run make_grid

    To build your ERA5 interannual atmospheric forcing, script are in Aforc_ERA5/. Details are available in README_ERA5.txt. The download part used python script

    To build your CMEMS/mercator interannual ocean forcing, the useful script is Oforc_OGCM/make_OGCM_mercator.m. The download part used python script


    As this pluri-month preprocessing can be longer and uses more CPU ressources, you may need to submit it as a job. A few example scripts (for SODA and CFSR) are provided:

    cp ~/croco/croco_tools/example_job_prepro_matlab.pbs .

    Launch your pre-processing job

    qsub example_job_prepro_matlab.pbs
  3. Check your generated files in CROCO_FILES You should have
