25. TRAINING 2019: DATARMOR specific#

25.1. Getting the good environment#


This is specific to DATARMOR cluster used for this training; if you are working on you own computer, follow the System Requirements and Downloading the code tutorials to download the code, and set-up your environment

An environment script has been created for this training on DATARMOR. It will load the necessary modules and set some useful paths and environment variables. Copy this croco_env.csh script and source it. If you already have a .cshrc or .tcshrc or .bashrc environment script, please copy it to .chsrc.bck to avoid overdefinitions and use only croco_env.csh during the training period.

cd $HOME
cp /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/TRAININGS/TRAINING_2019/croco_env.* .
source croco_env.csh

Now the $CROCO_DIR environment variable is defined and you will find useful material for this training in this directory.

25.2. Creating your work architecture#

Let’s work on your WORKDIR to avoid disk space issues.

cd $work
mkdir TRAINING_2019
cd TRAINING_2019
mkdir croco

cp -r $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/CROCO/croco_git/croco croco/.
cp -r $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/CROCO/croco_git/croco_tools croco/.

If you have followed this architecture, the following environment variables have also been placed to facilitate navigation:

  • $croco point to your croco sources: $work/TRAINING_2019/croco/croco

  • $tools point to your croco sources: $work/TRAINING_2019/croco/croco_tools

  • $confs point to your croco sources: $work/TRAINING_2019/CONFIGS

Investigate by your own the various directories.


do not modify any of the files contained in your source directories $croco and $tools to keep your source files clean; modifications should be perfomed in your configuration directories (as we will see later)


Datasets for preparing surface and boundary conditions from climatological dataset can be downloaded on CROCO website. For this training you will find them in $CROCO_DIR/DATA/DATASETS_CROCOTOOLS ; otherwise see the Download tutorial.

You can also find the following global atmospheric reanalysis in $CROCO_DIR/DATA/METEOROLOGICAL_FORCINGS/:

  • ERAI

  • CFSR

And the following ocean reanalysis in $CROCO_DIR/DATA/3D_OCEAN_FORCING:

  • SODA

  • ECCO2

25.4. BASIN configuration for XIOS tutorial#

cp -R /home/datawork-croco/datarmor-only/CONFIGS/TUTO20/BASIN_NO_XIOS/* $confs/BASIN
cd $confs/BASIN

Path for XIOS sources:



25.5. SOURCES for coupling tutorial#

For DATARMOR training, OASIS has already been compiled, so you can just copy the sources and compiled files

mkdir -p $work/TRAINING_2019/oasis
cp -r $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/OASIS/OASIS3-MCT_3.0_branch_compiled $work/TRAINING_2019/oasis/OASIS3-MCT_3.0_branch

The configure file for compiling OASIS on DATARMOR, named make.datarmor can be found here


For DATARMOR training, WRF has been compiled, and you can just copy the source and compiled files

mkdir -p $work/TRAINING_2019/wrf
cp -r $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/WRF/WRFV3.7.1_compiled $work/TRAINING_2019/wrf/WRFV3.7.1

A job for compilation is also provided



For DATARMOR training, WPS has been compiled, and you can just copy the source and compiled files

cp -r $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/WRF/WPSV3.7.1 $work/TRAINING_2019/wrf/.

For DATARMOR training, these data are avaiable in $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/WRF/geog.


For DATARMOR training, WW3 has been compiled, and you can just copy the source and compiled files

mkdir -p $work/TRAINING_2019/ww3
cp -r $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/WW3/github/WW3_compiled/* $work/TRAINING_2019/ww3/.

For DATARMOR training, TOY model files are provided here:

cp $CROCO_DIR/SOURCE_CODES/TOY/toy_compiled/toy_model $confs/Run_BENGUELA_LR_cpl/.

cp $CROCO_DIR/DATA/BENGUELA_CPL/toy_files/* $confs/Run_BENGUELA_LR_cpl/.

You should now have the following new files in your configuration directory:

  • toy_model

  • grid_wav.nc


  • toy_wav.nc

An example of fulfilled namcouple is also provided in $CROCO_DIR/DATA/BENGUELA_CPL/oasis_files