5.2. Set up you own test case#
Example: set up a convection test case: test case that mimic the winter convection happening in the North-Western Mediterranean sea
Create a configuration directory:
Copy the input files from croco sources:
cd ~/CONFIGS/CONVECTION cp ~/croco/croco/OCEAN/cppdefs.h . cp ~/croco/croco/OCEAN/param.h . cp ~/croco/croco/OCEAN/jobcomp . cp ~/croco/croco/OCEAN/croco.in .
, andcroco.in
for your new CONVECTION case:Add a dedicated key for this test case CONVECTION (in
)Set up a flat bottom; 2500 m deep (variable depth in
and follow what is performed under the key BASIN, for instance)Set up your grid: 1000x1000x200 grid points (respectively in xi, eta and vertical directions) (parameters LLm0, MMm0, and N in
)Specify a length and width of 50km in both directions (xi, eta) (variables Length_XI, Length_ETA in
)Set up an almost cold start with velocity component fields set to white noise (see in
what is performed for other test cases and fill in arrays u,v) around 0.1 mm/sSet up the initial ssh fields to zero (arrays zeta in
)Set up the initial stratification (i.e. the temperature and salinity fields) (in
: array t)Set up the wind stress forcing (svstr, sustr in
; you may follow what is set for INNERSHELF; not necessary)Set the permanent heat surface flux (stflx= -500 w/m2 (-500/rho0*Cp) in
in subroutineana_stflux_tile
In cppdefs.h define your own cpp key CONVECTION, which might be a clone of the key BASIN ; in case we add the salinity (concerning the BASIN case), do not forget to add the keys ANA_SSFLUX and ANA_BSFLUX .
In croco.in in case we add (with respect to the BASIN case) the salinity do not forget to modify the number of tracers written 2*T and the number of Akt (2*.1.0e-6)
In croco.in we adjust the time step and ndtfast to reach the stability
Edit the compilation script
:# set source, compilation and run directories # SOURCE=~/croco/croco/OCEAN SCRDIR=./Compile RUNDIR=`pwd` ROOT_DIR=$SOURCE/.. # # compiler options # FC=$FC # # set MPI directories if needed # MPIF90=$MPIF90 MPIDIR=$(dirname $(dirname $(which $MPIF90) )) MPILIB="-L$MPIDIR/lib -lmpi -limf -lm" MPIINC="-I$MPIDIR/include" # set NETCDF directories # #----------------------------------------------------------- # Use : #-lnetcdf : version netcdf-3.6.3 -- #-lnetcdff -lnetcdf : version netcdf-4.1.2 -- #-lnetcdff : version netcdf-fortran-4.2-gfortran -- #----------------------------------------------------------- # #NETCDFLIB="-L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf" #NETCDFINC="-I/usr/local/include" NETCDFLIB=$(nf-config --flibs) NETCDFINC=-I$(nf-config --includedir)
Compile the model:
./jobcomp > jobcomp.log
If compilation is successful, you should have a
executable in your directory.Run the model:
Classical launch command is (but should probably be launched in a dedicated submission job in clusters… see next item):
mpirun -np NPROCS croco croco.in
where NPROCS is the number of CPUs you want to allocate.
mpirun -np NPROCS
is a typical mpi command, but it may be adjusted to your MPI compiler and machine settings.OR by using a batch script (e.g. PBS) to launch the model (in clusters), examples are provided:
cp ~/croco/croco_tools/job_croco_mpi.pbs .
according to your MPI settings inparam.h
and launch the run:qsub job_croco_mpi.pbs
NPROCS needs to be consistent to what you indicated in
during compilation
If you want to try another mixing parameterization:
Add in
, in your CONVECTION case, the following cpp keys dedicated to the closure:#define GLS_MIXING
In croco.in add this lines for GLS history and averages fields
gls_history_fields: TKE GLS Lscale F F F gls_averages: TKE GLS Lscale F F F
Recompile, and re-run the model
If you want to add stflux as tanh signal:
:real*4 r2,RR2 ! Set kinematic surface heat flux [degC m/s] at horizontal ! RHO-points. ! r2= 10**2 ic = LLm0/2. jc = MMm0/2. do j=JstrR,JendR do i=IstrR,IendR RR2 = (i+iminmpi-ic)*(i+iminmpi-ic)+(jminmpi-jc)*(jminmpi-jc) stflx(i,j,itemp)=(-200. -200. * tanh((r2-RR2)/1000.))/rho0/Cp enddo enddo
Recompile and re-run the model.