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Model Documentation
1. Governing Equations
1.1. Primitive Equations
1.2. Quasi-Hydrostatic Equations
1.3. Wave-averaged Equations
1.4. Non-Hydrostatic, Non-Boussinesq Equations
2. Model variables
3. Grid and Coordinates
4. Numerics
4.1. Overview
4.2. Time Stepping
4.3. Advection Schemes
4.4. Pressure gradient
4.5. Equation of State
4.6. Wetting and Drying
4.7. Non-Boussinesq Solver
5. Parametrizations
5.1. Vertical mixing parametrizations
5.2. Horizontal diffusion
5.3. Bottom friction
6. Parallelisation
7. Atmospheric Surface Boundary Layer
8. Open boundaries conditions
9. Rivers
10. Tides
11. Nesting Capabilities
12. Other modules : sediment models, flow-obstruction models, biology models
12.1. Bottom Boundary Layer model
12.2. Sediment models
12.2.1. USGS Sediment Model
12.2.2. MUSTANG Sediment model
12.3. OBSTRUCTIONS module : flow in presence of various obstructions
12.4. Biogeochemical models
12.5. Lagrangian floats
13. Coupling CROCO with other models
13.1. OASIS philosophy
13.2. Detailed OASIS implementation
13.3. Coupled variables
13.4. Grids
14. I/O and Online Diagnostics
15. Review of test cases
15.1. Basin
15.2. Canyon
15.3. Equator
15.4. Inner Shelf
15.5. River Runoff
15.6. Gravitational/Overflow
15.7. Seamount
15.8. Shelf front
15.9. Equatorial Rossby Wave
15.10. Thacker
15.11. Upwelling
15.12. Baroclinic Vortex
15.13. Internal Tide
15.14. Internal Tide (COMODO)
15.15. Baroclinic Jet
15.16. Plannar Beach
15.17. Rip Current
15.18. Sandbar
15.19. Swash
15.20. Tank
15.21. Acoustic wave
15.22. Gravitational Adjustment
15.23. Internal Soliton
15.24. Kelvin-Helmoltz Instability
15.25. Horizontal tracer advection
15.26. Sediment test cases
15.27. Kilpatrick
15.28. Seagrass
16. Appendices
16.1. cppdefs.h
16.3. Comparison of ROMS and CROCO versions
1. System requirements
2. Download
2.1. Downloading CROCO
2.2. Getting other codes (coupling)
3. Contents & Architecture
4. Summary of essential steps
5. Test Cases
5.1. BASIN
5.2. Set up you own test case
6. Regional: Preparing your configuration
7. Regional: Preprocessing (Matlab)
7.1. Contents of the
7.2. Philosophy of the
7.3. Climatological pre-processing
7.4. Interannual pre-processing
8. Compiling
9. Running the model
10. Increasing the resolution: BENGUELA_VHR
11. Running with interannual forcing
12. Running forecasts
13. Nesting Tutorial
14. Adding Rivers
15. Adding tides
16. Visualization (Matlab)
17. Python tools for CROCO
18. NBQ Tutorial
18.1. Some important points about Large-Eddy Simulations (LES)
19. Coupling tutorial
19.1. Summary of steps for coupling
19.2. Compiling in coupled mode
19.3. Simple CROCO-TOY coupled example
19.4. Advanced coupling tutorial
19.4.1. Coupling tools contents
19.4.2. Coupling tools philosophy and workflow
19.4.3. Create your configuration
19.4.4. Pre-processing for coupled run
19.4.5. Running in COUPLED mode
19.4.6. Outputs, logs
20. Littoral dynamics tutorial
21. Realistic coastal configuration
22. XIOS
23. Tips
23.1. Tips in case of errors during compilation
23.2. TIPS for errors at runtime
23.3. Analytical forcing
23.4. MUSTANG tips
16.1. cppdefs.h
16.3. Comparison of ROMS and CROCO versions