15.3. Equator

Boccaletti, G., R.C. Pacanowski, G.H. Philander and A.V. Fedorov, 2004, The Thermal Structure of the Upper Ocean, J.Phys.Oceanogr., 34, 888-902.

# define EQUATOR

CPP options:

# undef  OPENMP
# undef  MPI
# define UV_ADV
# define UV_COR
# define UV_VIS2
# define SOLVE3D
# define TS_DIF2
# define ANA_GRID
# define ANA_INITIAL
# define ANA_SMFLUX
# define ANA_STFLUX
# define ANA_SRFLUX
# define ANA_SSFLUX
# define ANA_BTFLUX
# define ANA_BSFLUX
# define ANA_SST
# define LMD_MIXING
# define LMD_RIMIX
# define LMD_CONVEC
# define NO_FRCFILE

Settings :

Results :


EQUATOR results : temperature , time evolution (up) vertical section (down)


EQUATOR results : speed (up) and sea surface elevation (down)