I/O and Online Diagnostics

14. I/O and Online Diagnostics#

Basic CPP options:


Process and output time-averaged data


Process and output time-averaged vertical mixing


Use XIOS IO server (only version >= 2 is supported)

XIOS is an external library for output (developed at IPSL) providing for flexibility and design to improve performances for HPC : see http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver

Preselected options:

# define AVERAGES
# define AVERAGES_K
# undef XIOS

Advanced diagnostics CPP options:


Store and output budget terms of the tracer equations


Choose advection rather than transport formulation for tracer budgets


Integrate tracer budgets over the mixed-layer depth


Store and output budget terms of the tracer variance equations (instead of tracer)


Store and output budget terms of the momentum equations.


Isolate contribution from barotropic/baroclinic coupling (included in the vertical mixing term otherwise) for momentum, barotropic vorticity and kinetic energy budgets


Store and output budget terms of the barotropic vorticity equation


Store and output budget terms of the kinetic energy equation (vertically integrated)


Store and output time-averaged quadratic quantities u^2, v^2, u*v, u*w, v*w, u*b, v*b, w*b, u*sustr, v*svstr, u*bustr, v*bvstr, zeta^2


Store and output non conservative term in the momentum equations and diabatic term in the tracer equations. if DIAGNOSTICS_DISS is also defined, terms are multiplied by momentum and thermal/saline expension coefficients to be used to estimate kinetic and potential energy dissipation.

The different budgets and their computation are detailled in https://www.jgula.fr/Croco/diagnostics_croco.pdf

Preselected options:

# undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS        Store and output budget terms of the tracer equations
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS_ADV Choose advection rather than transport formulation for tracer budgets
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS_MLD Integrate tracer budgets over the mixed-layer depth
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_TSVAR  output budgets of tracer variance instead of tracer
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_UV        Store and output budget terms of the momentum equations
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_BARO   Isolate contribution from barotropic/baroclinic coupling
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_VRT    Store and output budget terms of the barotropic vorticity equation
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_EK     Store and output budget terms of the kinetic energy equation (vertically integrated)
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_PV     Store and output non conservative / diabatic terms
# undef DIAGNOSTICS_EDDY   Store and output time-averaged quadratic quantities