In your ${CHOME} repository you should have already filled in myenv_mypath.sh
To prepare the run you need to modify the files myjob.sh
and mynamelist.sh
, you will have to fill in information about dates, job sequence:# Real job duration in sec (converted to MACHINE format in submit job) export TIMEJOB=1800 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run date settings #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Your run can be divided into several jobs (e.g.: 1 year run into 12 jobs of 1 month) # Start date of the first Job export YEAR_BEGIN_JOB=2005 export MONTH_BEGIN_JOB=1 export DAY_BEGIN_JOB=1 # Duration of each Job export JOB_DUR_MTH=1 export JOB_DUR_DAY=0 # How many jobs do you want to launch? export NBJOB=1 # Do we start from a restart? export RESTART_FLAG="FALSE"
Along with the number of cpu you will use for each model
# nb of CPUs for each model export NP_OCEX=2 export NP_OCEY=2 export NP_WAV=14
, first specify the run type, and the name of the experiment:# Run type (o/a/w, w.Afrc, oa, 2o1a, owa, owa.full...) # - Will select the models to use reading letters o/w/a/toywav/toyoce/toyatm # - Will select the executables, and some options (see in the following sections) # - In coupled mode corresponds to the suffix of the OASIS_IN/namcouple.base.$RUNtype to use export RUNtype=ow export MOD=`echo $RUNtype | cut -d . -f 1` # Name of the experiment you are about to launch (max 30. CHAR) export CEXPER=BENGUELA_example_${RUNtype}
Then, there is a section indicating where the run will be executed and where the outputs and restarts will be stored:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RUN_DIR #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export EXEDIR_ROOT="$CWORK/rundir/${CEXPER}_execute" export OUTPUTDIR_ROOT="$CWORK/rundir/${CEXPER}_outputs" export RESTDIR_ROOT="$CWORK/rundir/${CEXPER}_restarts" export JOBDIR_ROOT=${CHOME}/jobs_${CEXPER}
Then, there are sections for the different components.
For the coupler settings:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Namelist #--------- # Note: namelist example files are provided in OASIS_IN/ # if you want to use a pre-built weight file for grid interpolations, point to # e.g. namcouple.base.oa.smtho2a export namcouplename=namcouple.base.${RUNtype} # Coupling frequency #------------------- export CPL_FREQ=21600 # Restart files for OASIS #------------------------ # If TRUE: create OASIS restart files from pre-existing atm/oce/wav outputs. # If FALSE: create OASIS restart files from calm conditions (need to read at least the grid for each model) export CPL_restart="FALSE" export oce_rst_file="${OCE_FILES_DIR}/croco_grd.nc" export oce_rst_timeind=-1 # time index (-1 is last) in the file to extract as restart export atm_rst_file="${ATM_FILES_DIR}/wrfinput_dXX_2005_01_01_00" # the domain dXX will be automatically replaced export atm_rst_timeind=-1 # time index (-1 is last) in the file to extract as restart export wav_rst_file="${WAV_FILES_DIR}/ww3.200501.nc" export wav_rst_timeind=-1 # time index (-1 is last) in the file to extract as restart
You should check the coupling frequency, the restart flag and path towards model files to use to create oasis restart files.
For CROCO settings, first indicate if you request CROCO compilation:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OCE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Where to find or put the croco execuatble export OCE_EXE_DIR=${CHOME}/CROCO_IN # Online Compilation #------------------- #!!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!!!!! # If activated, creates croco executable depending on this namelist. # - In param.h it modifies the grid size, the number of procs in x and y direction with those given in myjob.sh # - In cppdefs.h it modifies the following options with informations given below # MPI, OA_COUPLING, OW_COUPLING, MRL_WCI, # XIOS, LOGFILE, MPI_NOLAND, # AGRIF, AGRIF_2WAY, # BULK_FLUX, ONLINE, AROME, ARPEGE, ERA_ECMWF # FRC_BRY, CLIMATOLOGY # TIDES, PSOURCE, PSOURCE_NCFILE, PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS # Other changes of parameterizations, numerical schemes, etc should be made "by hand" in CROCO_IN/cppdefs.h.base #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! export ONLINE_COMP=1
Then, edit model time steps:
# Time steps #----------- export DT_OCE=3600 export NDTFAST=60
Then several options for zooms, wave coupling are provided. They are generally automatically set-up depending on the
defined at the beginning.Then, edit the options regarding the forcing files:
# Forcings #--------- export ini_ext='ini_SODA' # ini extension file (ini_SODA,...) export bdy_ext='bry_SODA' # bry extension file (clm_SODA,bry_SODA,...) # flag for surface forcing should be true except in the case of atm coupling if [[ $MOD =~ .*a.* ]] ; then export surfrc_flag="FALSE" else export surfrc_flag="TRUE" fi export interponline=0 # switch (1=on, 0=off) for online surface interpolation. Only works with MONTHLY input files! export frc_ext='blk_ERA5' # surface forcing extension(blk_ERA5, frc_ERA5,...). If interponline=1 precise the type (ERA_ECMWF or AROME, [CFSR by default], names as cppkey name in croco) export tide_flag="FALSE" # the forcing extension must be blk_??? otherwise tide forcing overwrites it export river_flag="FALSE"
Finally edit CROCO output settings:
# Output settings #---------------- #!!! WARNING: when XIOS is activated the following values (for the model) are not taken into account export oce_his_sec=86400 # history output interval (in number of second) export oce_avg_sec=86400 # average output interval (in number of second)
Then go to the WAVE model section:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WAV #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Where to find the wav executable if [[ $RUNtype =~ .*owa.* ]] ; then export WAV_EXE_DIR=${WAV}/exe_owa elif [[ $RUNtype =~ .*ow.* ]] ; then export WAV_EXE_DIR=${WAV}/exe_ow elif [[ $RUNtype =~ .*aw.* ]] ; then export WAV_EXE_DIR=${WAV}/exe_aw else export WAV_EXE_DIR=${WAV}/exe_frc fi # Namelist #--------- # Chosing the ww3_shel.inp.base.SHELL_EXT (see options in WW3_IN) if [[ $RUNtype =~ .*toy.* ]] ; then export SHELL_EXT=$MOD else export SHELL_EXT=$RUNtype fi
First the paths for the executable are defined, and the ww3_shel namelist to use is defined. Those are generally set-up with the
but can be changed if necessary.Then edit the ww3 time steps and grid settings (these will be updated in ww3_grid.inp):
# Time steps #----------- export DT_WAV=3600 # TMAX = 3*TCFL export DT_WW_PRO=1200 # TCFL = 0.8 x dx/(g/fmin4pi) with fmin=0.0373 => 3-4 % of dx export DT_WW_REF=1800 # TMAX / 2 export DT_WW_SRC=10 # TSRC = usually 10s (could be between 5s and 60s) # Grid size #---------- export wavnx=41 ; export wavny=42 # Parameter #---------- export hmin=75; # e.g. minimum water depth in CROCO (will be used to delimit coastline in WW3)
Then, choose the forcing to use for ww3:
# Forcing files #-------------- # forcin: forcing file(s) PREFIX list (input file are supposed to be in the form: PREFIX_Y????M??.nc) # forcww3: name of ww3_prnc.inp extension, e.g current or wind/era5, see in WW3_IN directory if [[ $RUNtype =~ .*owa.* ]]; then export forcin=() export forcww3=() elif [[ $RUNtype =~ .*Afrc.* || $RUNtype =~ .*ow.* ]] ; then export forcin=(ERA5_wind) export forcww3=(wind.era5) elif [[ $RUNtype =~ .*Ofrc.* ]] ; then export forcin=(CROCO_current CROCO_level) export forcww3=(current level) elif [[ $RUNtype =~ .*frc.* ]] ; then export forcin=(ERA5_wind CROCO_current CROCO_level) export forcww3=(wind.era5 current level) fi
As well as the boundary data (can be left empty):
# Boundary files #--------------- # prefix for boundary files (leave empty is none), there are supposed to be in WAV_FILES_DIR export bouncin=
Finally, set output settings:
# Output settings #---------------- export wav_int=21600 # output interval (s) export wav_pnt=0 # point output interval. Put 0 if no point output export point_output_list=${WAV_FILES_DIR}/my_point_output_test.txt # file where to find list of point (format: lon lat name) to output spectrum export wav_trck=0 # track output interval. Put 0 if no track output export flagout="TRUE" # Keep (TRUE) or not (FALSE) the ww3 output binary files (e.g. out_grd.ww3)
Now that you have completed the necessary files, you are ready to run your simulation. To do so, simply do